There are just too many diet programs these days. Some seem reliable but most seem almost ridiculous. Diets that over promise but don’t really guarantee consistent weight loss are categorized as a fad diet.
I have been struggling with my weight for as long as I can remember. The promise of quick weight loss results is really quite tempting. Who can blame me for wanting to looking good quickly? I have never experienced feeling and looking skinny in my life. Hence, I would not mind fast results. I had resorted to all sorts of things like drinking nothing but fruit juices for two days, eating cabbage soup for a week, swallowing tablespoons of apple cider vinegar before each meal, and eating a grapefruit everyday. Yes, I did all that. I did lose weight but as soon as I got back to consuming normal food, I gained it all back. Unfortunately, I gained more weight.
Through the years I have discovered what is truly fabulous about fad diets. Fad diets could actually be used to jumpstart a real weight loss plan. Some fad diets are geared towards cleansing the body. This helps a lot to start diet momentum. The immediate weight loss results from fad diets should be treated as perks and not as a mainstay advantage. Reality is, there is nothing permanent about fad diets. By knowing that our bodies are capable of shedding off pounds, we must aspire to lose weight properly. By eating correctly and exercising regularly, anyone can achieve ideal body weight.
So there is really nothing wrong with fad diets. Just take them as they are but do not rely on them. They can jumpstart the weight loss but it’s better to get on a healthier and more reliable program soon as the pounds start to drop. I for one have learned my lesson with fad diets. Now, I don’t get too excited with weight loss promises. If I do get a fad diet, I make sure to complement it with a healthy exercise routine. Most importantly, I consult a doctor or a health expert to see it the fad diet is credible. I just do not believe all the promises right away.
The only time fad diets are fab is when I know I can keep the weight off for a very long time and I am in good health.
Have you ever been on a fad diet? Are you aware of any ridiculous fad diets? What’s the worst fad diet you’ve ever done? Please feel free to share your experience.
fad diets can really endanger our health. When I was younger, I would try every new fad diet that was out in the market. I always ended up sick or fatter after. It’s safer with Medifast.
I’d rather go with a weight loss plan that can guarantee me a long term plan to staying fit and healthy. Fad diets are temporary solutions.
Oh my….those fad diets can kill! I am not about to endanger my life with some quick weight loss scheme. I want something for the long run.
Some fad diets work but only for a limited time. Also, fad diets can endanger the health of the dieter. The best weight loss program should be safe and sustainable.
I’ve just learned about medifast now. Yes, I know it’s kinda late. I’ve just found out that this particular weight loss program has been around for almost 20 years. Well anyway, it’s better late than never. I’m really glad that I have found out about it because I’m going to stop going on those fad diets that have never worked for me in the first place.
Fad diets will only make you fatter.
Now that I’ve discovered Medifast, I don’t have to waste my time trying out any fad diets.
I never liked fad diets. They’re too complicated.
The danger of fad diets is that it deprives your body of food. Take for example those juice cleansing diets.If you have to drink juice for six days straight, it’s going to be very hard for you to avoid any kind of food once your off that particular juice diet. Your deprivation can lead you to overeat soon after you have dropped the weight.
Sustaining a fad diet is challenging at the same dangerous. In my experience, fad diets aren’t for the long haul.
I would have to agree with you that we can jump start our weight loss goal by going on a fad. But that’s on a premise that we can easily transition to a more healthy alternative. My suggestion is to just start with Medifast. It’s safer.
I want to lose weight and look good for a very long time. Those fad diets are temporary fixes.
I would rather stick with Medifast.
There was this liquid diet that I tried. It was fun in the beginning but as the days went by, it was getting to be horrible. I could not stand being on a liquid diet for a long period of time. It was surreal. With Medifast, at least I can eat real food and still lose weight.
After finding out about Medifast, I will never ever go on a fad diet again.
That’s a great point you raised about fad diets and using them to jumpstart the weight loss. But after learning about Medifast, I think start and end with it instead.
Those fad diets give fast results but there’s no sustainability. At the end, the pounds come back double.
With those fad diets, you can lose the weight fast. But soon as you get off it, you gain back the weight faster.
NO fad diets for me.
I went on a weight loss diet that was endorsed by a well-known celebrity. Two weeks after, I ended up in the hospital.